Eligibility | Submissions | Plagiarism | Categories | Workshops
All students enrolled in Tsang Pik Shan Secondary School (TPSSS) at the submission deadline are eligible for the contest. Each student may submit ONE entry for each category of the contest. In the event a student submits more than one entry for the same caitegory, the piece that is received last will be eligible. 所有於限期前遞交作品的曾璧山中學學生均可參加,唯每名參賽學生於每個文體組別中,只可以遞交一份作品。假如有學生於同一文體組別,遞交多於一份作品,評審只會評核最後遞交的作品。
All submissions must be made with an official submission form attached to the front. The student name should not appear on any page of the submission, only on the submission form. The title should be put at the top of the first page of a submission and in the footer along with a page number for any additional pages. 所有作品必須附有填妥的申請表格並置於作品頁首,學生姓名只可以於申請表格上出現,並不可以於作品的任何頁數上出現。作品題目必須置於作品的頁首及頁尾,每頁均需要標示清晰頁碼。
All submissions must be solely in English, with exception given for use of local color or artistic merit. 所有作品只可以用英文表達,唯表達具本地色彩或藝術價值的例外。
Content of all submissions must be suitable for high school age readers. TPSSS reserves the right to edit any inappropriate content for publication and/or reject a submission with such content at the discretion of the judges. 作品內容必須適合高中學生閱讀。曾璧山中學對不當的作品內容,將保留作出修改的權利,及/或於評判衡量後,拒絕接納此等內容之作品。
The deadline for submissions is 8th of June, 2017. Winners will be announced before the end of June. 遞交期限為2017年6月8日,優勝名單將於六月底公佈。
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Students must be the authors of their own work; any editing or proofreading done by third-parties must not be a substantial part of the content. Any submission found to be plagiarized or not authored by a student will be disqualified from the competition. 絕不容許抄襲,學生必須是作品的作者,任何由第三者進行的修改或校對,必須以不影響主要內容為原則。任何已繳交的作品,一旦被發現有抄襲成份或參賽學生不是作者,將會被取消比賽資格。
Decisions of the judges are final. No appeal on any decision made by judges will be entertained.
English Rhymed Poetry 英語押韻詩
Submissions must be a minimum of 5 lines, a maximum of 32 lines and contain at least one ending rhyme in each stanza. 繳交作品必須最少有5行、最多32行,每段最少有一個結尾字詞是押韻的。
Rhymed poetry will be judged for: 英語押韻詩的評審準則:
English Free-verse Poetry 英語自由體詩
Submissions must be a minimum of 5 lines and maximum of 32 lines and not follow a set rhyme pattern or meter. 遞交作品必須最少5行及最多32行,不必跟從固定的押韻模式或規範。
Free-verse poetry will be judged for: 英語自由體詩的評審準則:
English Haiku 英語俳句
Submissions must be 3 lines and follow the 5-7-5 meter of haiku. 所有作品必須是3行及跟從5-7-5的俳句排列模式。
Haikus will be judged for: 俳句的評審準則:
English Short Story 英語短故事
Submissions must be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 2500 words. All themes and genres are welcome. 遞交作品必須最少200字、最多2500字。歡迎任何類型的主題和文體
English short stories will be judged for: 英語短故事的評審準則:
English Comic Strip 英語漫畫
Comic strip submissions should be done on suitable drawing paper of B4 size or smaller and all work done on one side of the page. Submissions must contain at least three panels and be a maximum of four pages in length. Substantial amounts of English language dialog and narration must be included on a majority of the panels to be considered and must not include substantial depiction or use of other languages. 所有英語漫畫的作品,必須於B4尺寸大或比其細小的畫紙上完成。所有作品必須最少有3格及最多4頁。適量的英文對話及旁白,必須包含在作品主體內,並且不可以用其他語言作主要描述。
English comic strips will be judged for: 英語漫畫的評審準則
Writing workshops for the contest will be held after school in April. Dates and details will be announced later. Attendance of the writing workshops is not required for entry; however any work done in the workshops can be entered into the contest. 為此比賽而設立的寫作工作坊,將於五月放學後舉行。日期及詳情將於日內公佈。參賽者並非強制規定出席工作坊,但於工作坊進行的所有作品,均可作參賽之用。